Sunday 8 March 2015

Week five in our classroom. Term 1 2015

Ronald McDonald came to talk with us about road safety - the recall of the children as a result of this briefing is fabulous, they know about 'sneaky driveways' and what to do when looking to cross a road!

Our visit to the Life Education Bus was a real success (please pay your $4 if you have not yet!).

Addison enjoyed explaining what our bodies need to stay healthy.

Our letter this week was c and we made caterpillars - they are now crawling on our wall. Our poem was: Caterpillar, caterpillar, crawling on the wall.
Caterpillar, caterpillar, crawl, crawl, crawl!

Mrs Probert came to take the class whilst Mrs Savill was on the planning team for our next whole school wide unit.

Annalise wearing her cat mask - everyone made one to wear home!

Bradley had his first school visit this week,

Here we are getting on to the Life Ed. bus on Wednesday for another educational lesson.

We all chose a puppet friend and thought carefully what would they need to take on an overnight trip to keep  well?

Lexington discovering about our major body organs.

Harold was great fun and explained we need to eat fruit, veggies and meat with only a few lollies.

Wow, Leah, you have filled your sticker chart already!

Playing maths games together.

Visitors from Kindy who will soon be five and join our class!

Buddy reading is great with Room 7.

Videl has completed her first sticker chart too!

Maya was the best writer in Room seven and came to read her writing about tadpoles turning into frogs to our class. Way to go, Maya!

Tens frames in Maths, explaining our thinking to each other.

Lexington has filled his sticker chart as well!!!

We were so fortunate to be given extra castanets by Georgia's grandma, now we have enough to all sing and play the c,k,c,k, song in Jolly Phonics! Thank-you Carol Climo.

Phoenix joined us this week from Australia, welcome Phoenix!

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