Thursday 26 March 2015

Room One week eight .

Well, another hectic week has flown by, culminating in "Go Spotty", our mufti spotty day, raising awareness of melanoma - Room One have learned that we need to Slip on a t-shirt, Slop on sunscreen and Slap on a hat in order to stay sun safe. Photos are not in any particular order this week! Enjoy!
Two of our class will be moving on from Birchwood after Easter, one to Hamilton and one into Nelson so we made and signed a personal card each for Joseph and Videl and these were presented in assembly by Jackson and Addison.

On Monday Mrs Savill was off sick and Mrs Smith took Room One. The afternoon was a games afternoon looking at old toys and the initial engager was partly held in the hall with Paul Hargreaves showing some of his toy collection, then in Room One the children were able to make up the train track Mrs Smith brought from home. Wow! Thanks!

Karen showed old metal vehicles too.

Videl loves making things from lego...

Annelise has filled her first sticker chart, well done!

Bradley made a wonderful creation in Discovery Time (come and  see our class display of photos showing  the activities we enjoyed whilst learning to manage ourselves and make good choices).

Everyone made their own collage too - these are on display and will go home at the end of next week at Easter.

Colouring was a popular option with our new felt tipped pens.

What wonderful co-operation today.

Elaine from Kindy came to collect our visitors Matthew and Ava. Vince, Macey, Rebecca and Hunter came to collect them with her.

Macy came on her first school visit.

We finished our drawing unit this week with Mrs Probert when Mrs Savill was still sick on Tuesday.

Do come and see the excellent portraits in our classroom.

Bradley started school on Wednesday and is very happy to be here.

'Showing' at the end of Discovery Time. 

Making our new class blanket. We will sew it up next week, Every member of Room One has written their name on a triangle and we will have a super snuggly blanket soon for our purple corner.

Wow Jackson was super spotty on Friday.

Spotty Videl completed her second sticker chart.

Our letter this week is L and we made lions to take home.

Look how well Leah can write her numbers now, no wonder she is off to Room Three next term!!

Next week we have our indigenous performer on Monday morning (please remember to pay your $4.50 to the office) and Tabloid sports on Thursday at 11am. Parents are welcome to come to the sports and cheer everyone on. There is no whole school assembly this week as we finish school on Thursday.

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