Thursday 26 March 2015

Room One week eight .

Well, another hectic week has flown by, culminating in "Go Spotty", our mufti spotty day, raising awareness of melanoma - Room One have learned that we need to Slip on a t-shirt, Slop on sunscreen and Slap on a hat in order to stay sun safe. Photos are not in any particular order this week! Enjoy!
Two of our class will be moving on from Birchwood after Easter, one to Hamilton and one into Nelson so we made and signed a personal card each for Joseph and Videl and these were presented in assembly by Jackson and Addison.

On Monday Mrs Savill was off sick and Mrs Smith took Room One. The afternoon was a games afternoon looking at old toys and the initial engager was partly held in the hall with Paul Hargreaves showing some of his toy collection, then in Room One the children were able to make up the train track Mrs Smith brought from home. Wow! Thanks!

Karen showed old metal vehicles too.

Videl loves making things from lego...

Annelise has filled her first sticker chart, well done!

Bradley made a wonderful creation in Discovery Time (come and  see our class display of photos showing  the activities we enjoyed whilst learning to manage ourselves and make good choices).

Everyone made their own collage too - these are on display and will go home at the end of next week at Easter.

Colouring was a popular option with our new felt tipped pens.

What wonderful co-operation today.

Elaine from Kindy came to collect our visitors Matthew and Ava. Vince, Macey, Rebecca and Hunter came to collect them with her.

Macy came on her first school visit.

We finished our drawing unit this week with Mrs Probert when Mrs Savill was still sick on Tuesday.

Do come and see the excellent portraits in our classroom.

Bradley started school on Wednesday and is very happy to be here.

'Showing' at the end of Discovery Time. 

Making our new class blanket. We will sew it up next week, Every member of Room One has written their name on a triangle and we will have a super snuggly blanket soon for our purple corner.

Wow Jackson was super spotty on Friday.

Spotty Videl completed her second sticker chart.

Our letter this week is L and we made lions to take home.

Look how well Leah can write her numbers now, no wonder she is off to Room Three next term!!

Next week we have our indigenous performer on Monday morning (please remember to pay your $4.50 to the office) and Tabloid sports on Thursday at 11am. Parents are welcome to come to the sports and cheer everyone on. There is no whole school assembly this week as we finish school on Thursday.

Principal's Challenge!

Our Principals award winner is Leah. This is to reflect her attitude and responsibility towards learning and everything we do in school. Leah is motivated, respectful, helpful, engaged and a fabulous friend to so many in our class and elsewhere in the school. Leah you are a gem! Ka Pai!

Thursday 19 March 2015

Week seven!

What a superb week we have had - it began with our Junior Syndicate trip to Tahunanui beach to look at the creatures in the rock pools and to use our skills to respect the environment. The weather was kin d and the tide was out so everyone had a great morning exploring, observing and identifying many varied specie, always making sure to replace rocks where we found them and not to remove any creatures from heir own habitats for very long at all. Thanks to all the parents who made the trip possible and to Miss Affleck for her organisation and super laminated charts.

Off to the beach.

Checking our creatures.

This is a chiton - a first for Mrs Savill!!


Time for a quick play after lunch before heading back to school.

Sharing technology.

Jackson was delighted to complete his sticker chart.

N.Z.S.L. lesson, signing to each other about our classroom objects was great fun.

Pattern play... what do we know already?

Holly made a repeated pattern by colour.

Jackson made one too.

Videl has completed her writing goal chart number one.

Keira came on her first school visit.

Buddy reading.

Kindly came to collect Keira - here you can see Keira,Rebecca, Amelia-Rose, Ava and Macey all of whom will soon be five and come to join us!

Annalise being 'teacher' and explaining about one of the patterns she could read.

Tyler has amazing manners, he has really stepped up in terms of behaviour and role modelling.

Way to go,Sam, super homework last week!
Next week we have our games afternoon, launching our new technology unit (We like to move it, move it) on Monday from 1-30pm. Please come and share your board games and card games with us, parents and caregivers. We would love to have you with us. There will also be a display of special items in the hall for all to view but not touch. it promises to be a great afternoon.
Next Friday is Go Spotty mufti day, raising awareness of melanoma. Wear spotty clothes, spotty face paint etc. but no donations this week thanks.

Star of the week, week seven.

Holly is our award winner this week to reflect her great attitude to everything we do in our class. She is helpful and kind, always considerate and ready to do her very best. Holly's learning has really come on in leaps and bounds recently as she has gained confidence in herself and she is a valued member of our class.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Week six in Room One. Time flies!

Bodie has filled his sticker chart!

Tyler helped Lockie with his number work, well done Tyler :)

Videl busily writing the next teen number, well done Videl.

Bodie was explaining making groups to Phoenix.

We were learning to draw our eyes using a mirror to get the colours and details correct.

Go, Holly! You have completed your sticker chart too!

Our letter this week was D and we all made ducks to take home.

Judah has filled his sticker chart as well!

One of our favourite numbers songs at the moment is 'One man went to mow" we have been learning to read, write and order our numbers to ten and what number comes after when we add a child and before when we take one away.

Our balance is improving.

It is always good to spend time with friends respecting each other in the sandpit.

Time for left-over lunch.

Sam started school this week, she is loving it!

Elaine brought Bradley's friends to collect him from his school visit this week.

Ordering our numbers - helping each other make decisions.

Using our number line and learning how to take turns and move the correct number of paces on the dice, not going back to the number we have thrown each time!

Holly carefully working out how many paces she needs to move with Sam as her dice roller.

Wow, Lexington can read all the sight words in Room One now!

The alphabet homework in our books has been amazing recently so all those children who have been working away at home and sticking in pictures or drawing things beginning with the letter of the week in their books received a gorgeous certificate this week. they loved them!

REMEMBER next Monday is our rocky shore visit, bring all the items on your note and hope it is a sunny day!
Enjoy the weekend everyone.