Thursday 30 October 2014

Weeks two and three term four!

Good heavens, time whizzes by so fast I didn't realise I omitted to post a Blog last week - apologies!

We went to the Suter Art gallery this week for 'Music and art' - the children made high and low sounds following the lines on this amazing painting!

Whilst listening to music we made high and low marks with pastels on our huge paper.

All the helpers had a go too - we did three more pieces of art influenced by short sounds, bouncy and smooth ones too.

Scissor action jumps with our leading leg...
We are learning how to high jump..

Introducing ourselves with our full name and address - ka pai, Maddi!

 Constable garland is helping us with our topic 'Keeping Ourselves safe' and taught the children how to stand strong.
Toast making...

 Our Poem this week is 'Toast' :
A silver scaled dragon
With jaws burning red,
Sits at my elbow
And toasts my bread.
I have him fat slices
And then one by one
he hands them back
When they are done... What better way to learn than through eating? Be wary - you all have a dragon in your kitchen!!!

Discovery ....making houses.
We are learning how to 'move on' when throwing a dice, taking the correct number of steps as shown on the dice through numerals and dot patterns - keep it up children you are doing so well!

Hazel followed our discovery instructions and made a model - come and see the full Discovery Time photo record in our foyer in SeaView block.

Certificates for wonderful homework with 'a'.Well done Hazel and Jack..

...Isabelle and Philippa....

...Mia and Lily.
Buddy reading with Room Seven, Neveah and Deanne kept Liam interested so well.

Watchin "Bryan and Bobby" teaching us how to ask for help if we are lost, who to go to,what to say and where to go.

Lucy reading with Mia.

Rhiannon reading with Lily.

Leo and Lily playing 'Frame the monster'.

Car races.

I've won my sea game! Great work,Lily H.

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