Thursday 10 April 2014

Week ten!

We only have one more week left in Room One as a class as nine children will be moving on to Room Three after the holidays! Today we had a whole class photo although four children were absent -it looks great and I hope you enjoy seeing the proofs next week. Individual photos were taken too so that is worth waiting for, the children all loved the experience of being 'superstars'!
I hope you enjoy our Blog this week….
Isla has finished her sticker chart :)

Don't we eat beautifully? This is morning tea-time on a rainy day, eating yogurt and jellies at the bubble table to keep the carpet clean!

Riley is so excited, he can now make the 'c' or 'k' sound when he is talking - superb progress Riley!

Roman has completed his first set of writing goals...

Gracie has too - super progress ion Room One!

Our first 'hockey skills' lesson was such fun with Craig.

Wow Sam has also completed her writing goal sheet :)

Playing kittens and mice together. Girls vs. boys.

Sharing time - Lydia has a new onesie!

Negotiating is part of our learning. Well done Sophie and Jacob.

Lydia is so snuggly!
We have been learning how to draw this term with a focus on self-portraits. As part of this we concentrated on drawing one of our eyes accurately using a mirror during one art lesson and for the next, putting this into context and drawing a whole face using pastels and pencil. All of our portraits are up in class for you to enjoy, do drop by and admire them! They will be the hall display for Room One in Term Two.

Number writing is so important too and this is Rasharna with her numbers to 8. We often write our numbers as high as we can go and these are often put up on whiteboards in our windows for you to see after school.

Monday - Show and tell, bring something to share if you can.
Tuesday - Hockey skills. Children moving class will spend most of today with their new teacher Mrs Affleck and Mrs Probert who will be leaving to have her baby at the end of the week (baby is not due then but she is going on maternity leave)
Wednesday - Library day today and discovery time (Easter activities too) with Room three.
Thursday - Tabloid Sports after morning tea, parents welcome to attend too - I think it is mufti today, no charge - check with the newsletter.
NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY.Holidays begin.


  1. Dear Room 1,
    You like you have been very busy and having lots of fun, and learning lots too. I was impressed with the cool art. I also like Lydia's onsie. Wouldn't it be funny if we could make onsies part of the school uniform!
    Well done Room 1!
    Mr H
