Thursday 3 April 2014

Week nine in our classroom

Well, how amazing, it's Friday of week nine and I am posting the Blog for you to enjoy - A super week with a focus on our letter of the week D so we had 'Den Day' on Thursday afternoon - in New Zealand I think these may be called 'cubbies'? Anyway the children thoroughly enjoyed snuggling up under the tables covered in duvet covers and towels from my home, eating their left over lunch, reading with each other, playing, reading and generally having a great time! Hope you enjoy looking at the photos and have a great weekend!
Keana has finished her first star chart...

…Sam has too, well done girls!

Gaye came over from the Kindy with some of the children who will soon be five - they came to collect Amy who was on a visit to us.
 Caterpillar Maths! We have been exploring number stories involving addition - caterpillars and their legs, here are some photos of our work and our caterpillars.

Buddy reading on Thursday afternoon with our friends in Room seven...

Den day - our dens under the table were a source of great joy!

Finding high frequency words for our writing using our Jolly Phonics word cards before our writing time...

Domiinic and Liam in their den.

Who can you see under the tables?

All about two - come and see our wall display.

Lydia has completed a star chart too.

Kaden has completed his first goal sheet in his writing book, he can write a sentence using his sounds, uses finger spaces, correct punctuation and can find words he needs on his word card. Well done Kaden!

Riley has completed his goal sheet too and shared his writing in school assembly this week!

Music in the hall - we are learning about the beat and here the children are enjoying one of our pieces of music - Mother and Father and Uncle Tom, who ride on a pony and then fall off!

Whoa! Stop that pony Uncle Tom!!

Amy came on her first school visit this week.

Discovery sharing time - to see Discovery photos come to our cloak bay where the new display will be up on Monday.

Next week we have school photos onFriday.


  1. Den day looks really fun! Emma(room 9)

  2. Hi room1
    Welcome Amy to birchwood school I hope you are having a great time
    from Tayla room 8
