Thursday 7 November 2013

Week four in Room One!

Welcome to our photo record of this weeks' learning - we have had a super week with lots of activities including a trip out his morning (Friday) to the Thetre Royal for a great show called "Seasons" by "Capital E a Wellington based drama company. Sorry, no photos, but you can find out more if you visit their website

Sharing Time - Monday and Thursdays every week.
Luca sharing his train set - a real hit with us all!

Lexi and her Barbie books - she was so kind sharing her stickers with us too!

Boston brought his medal from Touch and Chantelle loved wearing it.

Sticker charts - once our charts are full we take them home, we get stickers for being kind, helpful, tidying the class and for good work.

Peer Mediation role play.. Our Peer Mediators do a fabulous job, and this week they visited all classes doing role plays of how a mediation takes place, what it involves and the importance of solving our problems together. Here you can see Sophy mediating a conflict over a bean bag between Hayley and Maria. Thanks girls! 

We are getting ready for our athletics by practising many skills here you can see us running races!

C.O.W Computer on wheels, every week we have the C.O.W in our room and learn how to use Kidpix and the keyboard effectively to produce drawings and stories of our own.

New members of our class - Edward and Leo started this week and have settled in very well! Welcome boys.

Kindy visit - we often go back to Kindy to play with our friends and share their learning, here you can see Boston, Cody and Mira with the fabulously blue water!


We are so fortunate to be able to learn to speak 'sign' and this week our visitor was Kareen who has grown up deaf - she came to talk through Cathy her interpreter to tell us about her life at boarding school for deaf children - VERY different from our schooling here at Birchwood!

Cricket - Chali's Dad, John came to give us all a taster of cricket - its was really good fun! I hope he comes again.

Thats all for now - next week will be just as good as this week and Dan starts school. Remember to bring something to show and tell and to return your library book each Wednesday. We have a  visit front he circus on Monday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Its fantastic to see so much learning going on & all the happy smiling faces in Room 1. I look forward to coming along to watch Dan & all his classmates on Athletics day next week. Dan loves running races & I know he's super keen to show off his talent. Keep up the great work everyone!
    - Pip Lane (Dan Lane's Mum) :-)
