Thursday 14 November 2013

Week 5 in Room One.

This week we have been fortunate enough to have some visitors here at school and on Monday one of the circus girls came to show us some of her act. She was totally amazing and flexible - look!
Reading aloud to our class.
 On Friday, Rebecca Metcalf, a local author came to read us her books, The girl who loves to sing. Rebecca visited every junior class for a reading and the children loved her book. It will be released on November 17th so we were very lucky to see it first!

More circus skills!
We have been drawing our Mums and describing them as M is our letter of the week. Do visit our classroom and look at the hanging Mum display! It is great. Leo is showing his here.

Welcome to Dan who started in our class on Monday this week.

Leo received a certificate for being so brave!

Rylee experimenting with our new Mini Rainbows reading books - they have an audio pen and are excellent for helping youngsters learn to read!

Tour of the school.
As we have so many brand new children in our class we went for a little walk around the school this week mainly visiting the office area to meet the staff there and learn about their jobs.
Mrs Smith is the office manager.

Mr Herrick is our principal.

M is our letter of the week this week and we made monster masks … can you recognise these monsters??

Who do you know? We showed these off in assembly this week.

Luca has completed his first sticker chart already!

For our sign language lesson this week we were visited by Bridget from the Hearing House with Cathy our teacher and she brought along ear muffs, enough for every child to wear a set in order to discover a little about being hard of hearing. It was amazing how little the children could understand when they were wearing these - I tried a pair too and lip reading is difficult!

 Discovery time…

Building with big blocks was popular.

Handling pins - a super life-skill.

Adding more pieces to our class 'blank' hopefully all our children's names are now on this lovely throw which comes home every week with our star of the week for a weekend of snuggling!

Boston was a Daddy.

Vinny enjoyed making a puppet show using our new puppet theatre.

Tyler the pirate was captured by Connor!

Mira loves to dress up!

To see more Discovery photos every week check out our every changing foyer display.

Maths games..
Car racing with Reuben.

Lotto with Sophie.

Tens frames ordering.

Tens frames matching.
 Athletics training…
Next week we have our Athletics sports day and we have been learning lots of new skills… her you can see us learning how to do the long jump!

An interesting visitor!

Monday - Show and tell as usual, bring something from home!
Tuesday - Athletics, sprints in the morning, field events in the afternoon. See newsletter for timings.
Wednesday - Library day and NZSL as well as Discovery time.
Thursday - Buddy reading with Room Seven also show and tell again.
Friday - Whole school assembly in the hall at 2.30 a all welcome.

Hope you enjoyed the Blog again!

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