Thursday 17 October 2013

First week back in term four!

Well done, Cody filling up your sticker chart!
Welcome to our Blog! Lots has happened this week - nine children moved into Room Two and two new faces now in our room, with lots of children on visits! Hope you enjoy our photos ...

We are learning about long and short - we unrolled an EFTPOS till roll and it went all the way from our sandpit to the junior playground - that is super long according to Keira!

Leo was visiting..

Ryah came on a visit too!

We had touch rugby coaching and played tag.

Jack made a short fat worm in Maths!

Edward had his first school visit.

Keira has filled up her sticker chart too!

Nathan from Kelly Sport was coaching rugby - he is very tall!

Mira completed her sticker chart!

lexi was visiting when we had touch - she and Jack were passing the ball like a washing machine!

Luca made a very very long worm!

Connor and Luca played touch rugby skills together passing the ball overhead and between their feet - both boys are settling in well.

Ben loved his long worm!

Gaye from Kindy came to collect her 'visitors' and brought some of their friends to meet them.

Jack found both short and long toys.

Connor found something big and something small.

We made long chains.

Drawing ourselves in art - as big as we can! Every child also described themselves - do come into our room and enjoy reading about your children.

We made ourselves short too and that made our chains of bodies much shorter.

Using the i-pads.

Luca is showing he knows the difference between long and short.

We are also learning about area - we made heart wrapping paper and then found something we could wrap up in it. Rylee wanted to wrap a pencil. It fitted well.

Luca decided his letter was too big for wrapping so found a rubber instead.

Our letter of the week is a - we made our own ants to take home!

Discovery time - making a blanket.

Cameron is wrapping a little letter in his paper.

Discovery time making junk models of buildings.

Kapa haka with Mrs Malthus.

Bella has completed her sticker chart too!

Buddy reading with Room 7.

Welcome Rylee.

Play dough fun - made by Mre Probert.

The blanket for Room Two is finished.

This is the blanket for Room One. Our special star of the week will take it home on a Friday for cuddles and bring it back on the Monday.
Monday - Remember to bring your book bag every day please.Show and tell.Art this afternoon making butterflies. 
Tuesday - Remember your sun hats every day!
Wednesday - Library day please bring your library book bag. We have sign language today too. Also discovery time so no reading at home.
Thursday - Buddy reading with Room 7 and touch rugby on the field. Wheels day and sharing time too.
Friday - Whole school assembly all welcome at 2.30 in the hall.

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