Monday 3 June 2013

Week Four in Room One

Welcome to the record of our week last week.. I hope you had a great Queens Birthday weekend. 
 We had a lovely week full of activity and learning, including our second hockey lesson, this time with Jackie.
Careful listening and learning .
Mrs Probert and I are sharing the storytime first thing in the mornings, alternating between us and here you can see the children enjoying a story on the mat.

We worked in pairs to sing Row, row, row your boat... and concentrated on working with a partner and not falling over - using our tummy muscles to stay firm with our core and helping each other.

Kosha and Corey working well.

Xavier and Evelyn enjoying the song and movement.

Jack is delighted to have filled his rewards sticker chart. Now it can go home and become a bookmark for his readers or can be treasured for years to come!c Well done, Jack.

Our letter of the week was c (we were learning that k and c make a 'kuh' sound) and one of the lovely activities is singing the Jolly Phonics c,k jingle...involving castanets. Everyone had at least one turn and the children love the song and percussion.

Talei and Renee
Every day we have a new special helper from our name box. This time it was Ava's turn and here you can see her putting up her certificate for the day. She was in charge of leading our line, giving out book bags at the end of the day and helping in class.

We had a great lesson on Friday with Cathy from The Hearing House and can now sign lots of the foods we have in our lunch boxes  - including sandwich, youghurt, orange, banana, apple and biscuit. These are some of the visuals Cathy uses and we played a great game using these names in sign . Your children should be able to remember them and help you learn too.

PLaying our food name game together with the Kindy visitors to the library.

Barbara joins in !

Signing lesson continued.

Renee was excited she had cake (which begins with a c)


Busy at work and sharing our stories


Ella is writing the number two,
Kosha is learning how to write the number five, using our special formation cards to help him.

We have been learning to recognise the number patterns on  dice and how to record that number correctly.

Talei and Renee are working together well.

Vinny loves to write stories too

Our number line in order from the smallest to the biggest number we have been writing today.
On Friday we made curling cats - concertina cats with wool tails - the children were very enthusiastic about learning to fold paper and made lovely little cats to take home. We hope you liked them.

Vinny and his cat!
Learning to count from one up to ten and back again playing a game we call  'jump up/dip down' - the children on the mat have yet to be counted - we have worked up to number three so far in this photo.

ART - printing, somehcildren printed with cotton reels to make sheep, others made hand prints and caterpillars for our poem of the week.
carey making his cat

Jack and Shakana sheep printing

Max and Carey working quietly together with the stencils in free time.

Jack has finished his sheep!

Stencil time on the mat in art.
Louis has a brand new baby sister called Rose. She is absolutely gorgeous and we are all delighted everything went well for the family.Isn't she stunning?

Hockey game

Monday - no school
Tuesday - Bible in Schools at lunchtime and art this afternoon.
Wednesday - LIbrary , please bring your book bag and return your book from last week in order to take out a new one.
Thursday - wheels day and sharing time.
Friday - Whole School Assembly this afternoon and Mrs Lawrence will be teaching in the morning only as Mrs Savill meets with parents.

A quiet week this week!

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