Saturday 8 June 2013

Week Five in Room One

 Welcome to our photo record of last week in our busy classroom - we have had a lovely week full of activities and even went to visit our friends at Birchwood Kindy where time sped by so fast!

If you would like to see the little book of our Kindy visit it should be ready by Tuesday and is full of interesting photos of the children exploring together.

Apologies for the order of photos loading - I need to spend some time learning how to organise them into groups once they have been uploaded! Please forgive the odd one in the wrong place!

Alphabet matching game.
During our writing time, chidren have the opportunity to play various alphabet type games together and our ladybird matching game is a favourite. On one side of the ladybirds are the alphabet letters (upper and lower case) to match and make a full ladybird and on the other are two halves of something beginning with that letter. At the moment the favourite task is matching pictures - here you can see teamwork in action.
 Now we have two teachers for the morning Mrs Probert and I take turns to read the story when the children come to school in the morning.

Dressing up! Can you spot who this is?
(It's Hadlee!)
 Wet playtime.
We are so fortunate here at Birchwood to have super children in Rooms ten and eleven who are wet play monitors and they come to help on our classrooms during morning tea and lunch break to be with our classes. Here you can see Breanna with a group of Room One children teaching them about different countries!
 Sharing time.
Oral language is an essential part of communication and Monday and Thursday mornings in Room One are sharing opportunities to 'show and tell'. Everyone gets a turn to speak and maybe just share spoken news if they have not brought anything from home.
Kaylee was telling us all about her dogs' birthday - Shadow is ten years old.

Discovery on Friday - beautiful girls.

Renee delighted in showing us how she can yo-yo! Well done, Kaylee!

Chali brought a special box with sparkly jewels on top.

Kosha has a car which fires bullets.
Our visit to Kindy.
We went over to Birchwood Kindy to share in their circle mat time where we sang songs together then all the children were able to play both inside and out - it was dry, which was fantastic.

Some of the girls decided it was actually Mrs Savills' birthday so spent the time making cakes and treats ! We had a lovely sing of 'Happy Birthday' too - thank you all so much!
There is a brilliant wooden house and lots of tools..
Mia spent most of her time painting family members.

Many of our boys used the tools to add to the house contruction.

Chali started school this week - welcome Chali!

Art on Tuesday.
We are learning how to make prints and today we used our fingers and produced peacock cards which will come home soon! Well done everyone, they are looking great already!
Composting - any food waste which can go into the compost goes into our class bucket.

Joel shows Cody how to use this bin on his first visit to school.
We are all working on improving our fitness levels in time for the cross country on Tuesday next week. Here you can see Mrs Malthus and Miss Driver teaching the children Jump Jam in the hall. Everyone loves it and I hope we can carry on even after cross country has finished!

 Cross country route..
The Junior cross country is not held off site, but is a route around the playing field and this week our children had the opportunity to find out how far it was and to run it with Mrs Probert and I on Thursday. On Friday they had another turn with Mr Butterworth and some of the Room Ten children who ran it with them in little groups so that they know where the start and finish lines are and how to run around the poles at corner marking points.

Sometimes I get out my ukulele and sing - and the children dance!

Louis has completed his bookmark of stickers.... Wow!

Making cat masks for the letter C. These were so exciting we ended up with a class full of cats so have asked that the masks stay at home for future cat impressions!

Sophie (another cat) has finished her certificate too!
In addition to work with number, we were exploring the comparison language of tall and short in many ways - finding a friend who is not the same size as you for instance - are they taller or shorter?

Arranging ourselves in ascending height order - is Vinny in the right place?

Being 'Mrs Savill' and teaching from our Big Book - we can find out which tower is taller by looking at the height and checking the number of boxes in the tower.

Using our knowledge to order practical equipment... 

Evelyn can order her towers very well now.
 Kapa Haka.
On Thursday afternoons we go to the hall and Mrs Malthus (who is fantastic!) teaches us waiata. Thank you Mrs Malthus.

Corey had his first school visit this week.

Joel has also completed his sticker chart!

We sang Happy Birthday to Chali :)

On a day as yet to be decided (weather etc.) a whole class photo of Room One will be taken and also individual photos of your children. There is no obligation at all to purchase. Details will be available in class and a little order envelope will come home to all later in the week.

Monday - We are learning the importance of Manaakitanga (showing hospitality and kindness to others) and the star of the week award this week will reflect this.
Sharing time, please bring something to show and share with your friends. Alphabet and Poetry books need to come back to school today please.
Letters will go home tonight for those children moving to Room Two in week 7.
Tuesday - Cross Country (see newsletter for details) Please come and support your children after morning tea if you can.
Wednesday - Library day - remember to bring back your library book and bring a book bag for the new book to go home in. If you do not yet have one for your child they can be purchased at the school office - made from fabric and very hard wearing.
Thursday - Show and tell - the Kindy children who will soon be five will be visiting us this morning and will be part of our sharing time today.
Friday- whole school assembly at 2.30 please join us. NZSL lesson with Cathy in the library.
Last day in Room One for some children as Room Two will begin next week (week seven)


  1. What a fabulous blog this week Mrs Savill! There is so much great stuff happening in Room 1. I am very lucky to be working with such great students and look forward to Room 2 starting in week 7.

    Room 1 and 2 teachers will still be working closely together which will be great for both students and us as teachers. A lot of fun times ahead!

    Mrs Probert

  2. Wow! What an awesome Blog! Its the first time I have logged on to have a look! So much happens in Room One. Thank you Mrs Saville for putting so much time and effort in to putting this together.
    Rachael Brown (Taleis Mum)

  3. I nearly always read the blog - thank you for spending time doing this for us. You are awesome Mrs Savill! As a Parent it is great to be able to talk to the kids about what is happening during their day
