Saturday 22 June 2013

Week 7 in our lovely classroom!

This week was our first week at school with Room 2 fully functioning so we began our week with a different class, ready for all the new children who will be joining us this term and next. We had visits from Ben, Corey, Stella and Cody and welcomed Mia and Keira who turned five this week.

Mrs Lawrence taught in our classroom on Thursday and Friday as Mrs Savill was sick ! 

Marvellous meals - M was out letter of the week in week 6 and we finished off our Marvellous Meals posters this week They are now proudly displayed in our classroom, do pop in and appreciate them when you next  come to school!

Chali making her meal by choosing photos from magazines of food she likes.

Ella and Hadlee deliberating over food...
 Sticker bookmarks -
When the children in Room One have completed their bookmark stickers this is a big achievement (it takes 25 stickers to fill) and here you can see Carey who is delighted to be able to take his home this week.

Evelyn is learning to use lower case letters in her name and just a capital to begin it.

Gymnastics skills began this week now we have finished our getting fit for cross country. We are learning a number of new skills on a Wednesday and Thursday morning. We were shown how to do these by some of the older girls from Room 11 who are in the Birchwood Gymnastics squad - they stayed on to help us in our lesson on Wednesday.


Keira was five on Friday - welcome Keira!
Ben had his first school visit on Tuesday and loved every minute!

We had some free time this week and I grouped the children, giving them the task of taking their friends to a part of the classroom and talking about the displays they could see there. Hadlee explained to Ben and Carey that the words on our word wall are to help you with your writing and you can take them off and put them back - well explained Hadlee.

Vinny showed Corey our bubble printing from Mondays art lesson.

Evelyn and Ella enjoyed looking at our SAme, same, but different display with photos from Thailand and Dubai.

Evelyn has completed her first bookmark too!

More gym photos - learning to jump and land properly.

Yikes! Chali has been finishing her 'All about me' book and was away when we made our hand prints.

Ella at gym time

Malachi bunny hopping onto the bench.

Hadlee has completed his chart too - looks like the week for it!

We are learning about different ways to print in art this term and have made finger prints, hand prints, potato prints and mirror prints. Today we mixed bubble mixture and paint then blew down a straw to make bubbles, placed our papers on top and when the bubbles burst they left their prints behind We combined colours and ended up with beautiful works of art - again on display in class in our purple corner, we hope you like them!

We run an optional Bible in schools lesson here at school and our teacher this year is Lesley - this is a photo of her when she came and took my class on Tuesday morning.

The children made people chains in Bible in schools to show their families.

Welcome to Mia who started school this week too, she had her first day on Wednesday. It is great to have such happy children in my class.

Here is Mia balancing along the rope in gym class.

Monday - Sharing time please bring comething to show your friends. Our letter of the week this week is G. your show and tell does not need to begin with a g but if it does that is awesome! I-pads this morning.
Tuesday - Bible in Schools with Lesley.
Wednsday - Gymnastics at 0900.Library day - please bring your book back in order to change it for a new one. C.O.W this afternoon (computers on wheels) and junior s=assembly.
Thursday - Gynmastics at 0900. Kapa Haka this afternoon and buddy reading with Room 7 after lunch.
Friday - Mrs Savill is on a Discovery Learning course today so Mrs Lawrence will be your childs' teacher. Sign Language this morning with Cathy and whole school assembly at 2.30 pm.

Thanks for reading our Blog I hope you enjoyed it!

Star of the week, week 7.

Hadlee is our star of the week.
Well done, Hadlee, this week you have been totally 'on fire' with your interest, enthusiasm, answering and asking questions and writing. I have been amazed and so excited by your progress I could not help but award you this well deserved certificate. Keep it up, young man!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Week six already!

Where does the time go? Already we are at the end of Week Six and today we 'farewelled' the children who will be starting in Room Two next week - there will be seventeen of them in all although some were away today with sickness...

I hope you enjoy seeing the photo record of this week and thanks so much to those parents who commented on the Blog, it makes it all worthwhile to know you are enjoying the pictures!
Welcome to Stella who came on her first school visit this week!

The Kindy came over to spend sharing time with us. This is part of our transition to school, whereby the children who will soon be five come and spend some 'mat time' with us in our classroom in order to begin to understand the way we work at school.
 Caterpillar Maths.
Learning how to count groups accurately and to write our numbers is so important - we played caterpillar maths games this week and the children worked beautifully in pairs, giving each other written instructions to show groups and then checking this together.
Vinny and Evelyn.
Malachi, hedgehog and Ella.
Carey and Hadlee.

 On Tuesday we had the cross country and the weather was perfect! The Junior classes ran girls and boys races for each class and here you can see Room One waiting patiently for the event to begin!

Jack had his own challenge against Mr Hardman and due to great determination and lots of cheering from the rest of the school, Jack achieved his goal and WON!

Ready boys?

Mr Butterworth about to start our girls race.

Well done Carey, you have completed your sticker chart!
Jack and his cheerleaders...

Our Topic Unit this term is 'Same, Same but Different' and as I recently visited Dubai I was able to give the children a taste of life in the Emirates

The face of success!

 Everyone had the chance to wear a 'shemagh', eat dates (or at least try them - many children wanted more...) and hear about the costumes and customs in the Middle east.

We love dressing up!

Cross country winners...

Our letter of the week this week was M - see how well we can form our letters now!

 Ordering numbers to 10...
 More costume wearing...
Sophia, Kaylee, Shakana and Shylah (don't they look gorgeous?)

Max, Andy, Vinny and Xavier (so handsome!)

Hadlee role playing and choosing a wife or two!

I couldn't resist adding this great photo of Shylah's big sister Zariyah at the finish line!
Chali enjoying technology

Joel and Vinny on the ipads.

Whoops! Nearly missed adding this photo of Ella, Renee, Chali and Kaylee..

Renee checking her grouping.

Hadlee and Vinny also working well.
 Making our own books.
I had hoped to get our books laminated and finished this week in time for the children who are moving classes to take them with them as a last sample of work from Room One. However, time went by too fast so this will hopefully happen next week thanks to my awesome band of helping Mums without whom  would be lost!
Here you can see a hive of activity where those children who have already made books were making a little concertina book each whilst the others chose pictures of things they like from magazines for one of our pages.

Relaxing in the sandpit!

Reading with Holly - from Room six.

More sand play

Chali and her certificate from cross country - she was absent when the others were awarded on Tuesday.

Xaviers towers.


Next week will be a lot quieter in Room One as we begin with just seven children although two more - Mia and Keira start school next week so we are looking forward to having them with us!

Monday - Art in the afternoon, we will be making bubble prints and marvellous meals! We begin 'Time' in Maths. Remember to bring something interesting to share.
Tuesday - Bible in Schools this week.
Wednesday - Library day. A couple of books are overdue please make sure you bring yours to school! We are hoping to start gymnastics today. Mia starts school!
Thursday - sharing time. Buddy reading in the afternoon with Room seven.
Friday - Keira starts school today , we have sign language with Cathy and whole school assembly this afternoon at 2.30. Discovery time in the afternoon with Rooms Two and Three!

Thanks for taking the time to enjoy our Blog.