Sunday 19 May 2013

Welcome to Room One in Term Two!

 Welcome to Room One... Firstly apologies for not having this terms Blog up and running sooner, but due to circumstances way beyond my control, I was unable to do so before now. I hope the bumper edition of news helps this week!

SHARING TIME - Monday and Thursday mornings are times we share our experiences or toys with our class mates and here you can see the children enjoying oral language opportunities with each other.

Louis was very brave in the holidays!

Evelyn loves to read books to herself and it was a delight to 'snap' her concentrating so well.
The afternoon is sometimes very warm and this week we made the most of the weather and the children were able to enjoy themselves in our sandpit right outside the classroom, it's perfect!
We were exploring fractions in Room One and began by making one whole ball of play dough then cut it in two halves.

Xavier has made his whole ball into two pieces. We are learning that halves must be equal in size.
Mrs Malthus is teaching the Junior Syndicate Jump Jam as part of our getting fit in order to be able to complete the cross country later this term. Here you can see the children listening and joining in very well. Normally we do Jump Jam in the hall but this week we worked outside and the children and staff loved it. Thanks, Mrs Malthus!

On our way back to class - Malachi was the special helper so he was our line leader.
Our whole school topic unit this term is entitled' same, same but different' and we are learning about what it means to live in different countries and how other people live their lives. Andy comes from Vietnam and his Mum, Kim, came to share with us last Thursday. We had a really interesting time with her, trying on a special hat, looking at photos and asking questions.
Kim is using our 'world' to show where to find Vietnam.

Look at Renee! She loves Kim's hat!

These are special 'lucky bags' to keep money in all year to bring good luck.

On Friday afternoons, we have time to explore and play with members of Room three and sometimes make crafts. Here you can see Sophia and Shylah making tea-pot cards.

Malachi is a pirate today!

Ella is a reindeer!

Carey coloured his tea-pot beautifully!

Evelyn loves the pink hat...

Xavier could not wait to put this dress on.

Evie chose a hat to wear.
Sometimes children from Room 11 come to help in Room One and read the story after lunch whilst i talk with the Peer Mediators who were on duty. The class love to listen to older children which is why we also have buddy reading with Room Seven on a Thursday afternoon.

Story time!

Shakana and her whole shape.

It is also super to join in with the Hearty Fun dvd in class in the morning to get our heart rates up and the blood whizzing around our brains..

We explored different parts of the school in order that our new children know where they need to go at different times of the day, here you can see us walking back to class from the hall where we are learning to sit for assembly time.
We made apple puppets to dance on the desk with our fingers as part of learning about the letter 'a' although the children preferred to use them as masks!
Can you see Joel and Ava?

Careful counting.
Once a week we have Cathy from the Hearing House and she takes us for a sign language lesson. We use signing every day in our class so if your children come home wanting to 'speak' with you in sign please encourage them to teach you what they know. here we are learning the sign for 'jump'.

Some more apples...
Shakana and Sophia have now joined Ava and Evie and know all the sight words in Room One! Well done with your reading, girls!
One of our books mentioned the word 'mobile' this week and the class did not know what that meant so in order to fully explain that mobile is used in a number of ways, I brought the mobile I made years ago for Kimberley. Of course, the children wanted to lie down like a baby in a cot and listen to the lullaby and watch the mobile turn...Patrick's mobile is also in our room now and we had a look at my mobile phone too.. 
We had a visit from our friends at the Birchwood Kindy who will soon be turning five and joining us in our class.Thanks Barbara for visiting on Thursday!

I hope that gives you all an idea of our week..


Monday - Mrs Probert will be joining us and taking some of the older children in the class next to mine for the morning sessions. See our school newsletter for more details.

Tuesday - Sharing time. Mrs Lawrence will be teaching in our room as I will be spending time with some of our new children in order to assess where they are in their learning. All new children will be assessed this week or next and I will be contacting parents to arrange a feedback session.

Wednesday - We have hockey today! Please remember your library book and bag.

Thursday - Mrs Lawrence will be teaching in our class again and we have sharing time in addition to Kapa Haka this afternoon and buddy reading with Room 7.

Friday - There is a performance to watch in the hall today! See newsletter for details and please send payment to the office in a named envelope. Sign Language today and whole school assembly at 2.30 all parents and friends are welcome.

Thanks for enjoying the Blog! 


  1. It's so exciting seeing all the children learning about fractions. What beautiful photos, Mrs Savill. From Mrs Probert

  2. Thank you for the great blog Mrs Savill! Its wonderful to catch a glimpse of Room 1's week.
