Thursday 4 August 2016

Week 2 in Ngaio, term 3 2016

Welcome to our second week at school - we have learned so much and the children have been amazing, keep it up, guys you are awesome!
Rate brought his 'Hulk" to show and tell on Monday!

Parker has a pterodactyl, it can hang from his finger!

Haylie made this incredible 3D shape from lolly sticks at home.

Who on earth is this in disguise??

Miecke is such a great helper and so kind, her second sticker chart is already full...

Kaden made a rocket from 2D shapes.

JaydenT made a different rocket.

Sol has discovered a diamond.

One group of us were working on 2D shapes and another on 3D shape, we assigned the shapes according to the number of sides they have.

Ngaio have developed a real interest in eggs as a result of one of the books we shared and I was fortunate enough to be given a selection of eggs from Vicky and Dave at Animal farm to share with my class..

These were quails eggs, the students were fascinated... come and read our "I wonder" wall for some of their questions...

Careful handling of a duck egg.

Wow! This egg was from an emu - have you ever felt one this heavy before?

What great inquiry - why is one egg a lighter colour than the other? Are they as heavy as each other? Ask your child to tell you abut their discovering please.

We all received St.John certificates as a result of lour learning last week with Kathryn.

Noah came on a visit - look how much he knows already! Go Noah!

What an amazing trip to Monaco you chaps had, I was on a course so missed it....

Mason was visiting this week.

Mrs H reading a story- it was really exciting, thanks Mrs H we are looking forward to being in your class!

Our visit to Birchwood Kindy was fabulous, they welcomed us with a beautiful wait and shared kai with us too. We love Kindy.


Susan shared a fairy story - look at the fairy display.

Eddy and Oliver building a railway together.

Kobe making a repeated pattern rainbow.

Miecke making a very important phone call.

Aneisha is at work in the office.

Amazing writing Naleah.

Playing a describing game...

Maddie was describing the animal she had behind the board for her friends to name without looking - what fun!

Mason and I built a tower, taking turns to add blocks - it was so tall!!

Gloopy play, Caitlyn on a visit playing with Kamryn from Kindy and Aneisha.

Goodbye, friends!

Shape trails matching sides...

Painting our mums - come and view our art gallery please!

Zak started school this week, welcome Zak.

Karen can write his own name now, go Kayden!

Problem solving maths was making Sophie Snake, counting cubes, making half one colour, half another and making a new Sophie using the same number of cubes in a different design shape...

We love our buddy reading class.

Homework awards.

Pene pena, lead by Kayla what a great game!!

Israel from year 6 was our helper this week in the afternoon, he loved  being with us and what a help he was!

Room two (Karaka) starts on Wednesday and ten children will be moving class although we will still be doing lots of learning together with our friends. Hope you have enjoyed this week as much as we have :)

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