Saturday 27 August 2016

Week five already!

Wow, Rafe has filled two sticker charts - time for his Dr.Seuss one!

Miela is onto her second chart now, good job Miela!

We have been problem solving in our maths sessions and here you can see Mason making a line of three different coloured teddies...

Our task was to choose three different coloured teddies and find out how many different ways we could line them up...

Caitlyn is showing two ways she discovered... great problem solving,Caitlyn.

We are learning how to skip - it's really tricky!

We need to use our brains and co-ordinate our arms and legs, Zak is having a really good try.

Look at us go in the hall (it was very rainy outside).

Caitlyn started school this week.

Riley was new too, now we have two Rileys in our class, what a super name.

Our friends in Room 10 are our 'Maths Buddy' class and here we are learning to play games with them in small groups.

Ngaio children choose the games and you can see Jasmine loving helping Riley .

Ludo with just one counter each.

Rolling the dice and walking the number line the correct number of paces takes a lot of concentration.

Matching 'same' pictures on dominoes follows on neatly from our 'is the same as' learning from last week and developing into this week.

Kamryn was on her first visit - she loved being in our class.

Oliver had his first visit not he same day as Kamryn, we had a great time together.

Here you can see some of our 'is the same as' choices in our maths workbooks.

We are singing our alphabet and matching the letters as we sing, jumping our fingers from letter to letter.

Time for a stretch!

Discovery time- making our own Olympic medals!

Olympic obstacle course.

Olympic ball tossing.

Olympic balancing - we also had a P.M.P session running in the hall with Mrs H. and relay races with Mrs S.

Thanks for your donations for Daffodil day, everyone.

Another Problem solving activity - "Make a house for a teddy" 

I think this house is a bit small, Maddie, don't you??

Such careful work by Tyler.

Tahlia is making house for a family of teddies.

Noah found his first house collapsed so made one from dominoes instead and propped it up. Great thinking Noah!

Rafe'shouse has a door!

Tyler has lots of great ideas.

Here is the house for Caitlyns teddy family.

Jayden made two homes.
MONDAY - remember your show and tell for the morning and yours scooter and helmet if you have one for our scooter safety afternoon with Sport Tasman.
TUESDAY - today may be a pyjama day, depending upon our jar of good choices which is not quite full -watch this space, it may be later in the week! We go to visit Kindy this morning. 
WEDNESDAY - remember to bring your library book back to change it for a new one this afternoon.
THURSDAY - Show and tell (Ruby starts school today!) Mrs Lawrence will be in class this morning whilst the meeting takes place for possible new parents.
FRIDAY -  Please join us for whole school assembly today!

Thanks for reading the Blog and thank you for your comments.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Weeks three and four combined...

Unfortunately I was sick in week 3 and only at school on the Monday, with so many sneezes we lost count and a bad bad cold! Then on Thursday and Friday I was away in Wellington at a PB4L conference so there were not many photos that week. It was the last time ten of our students were in my class, they moved on to Karaka, Room two and are very happy there with lovely Mrs H. I hope you enjoy seeing what we have been sharing - please chat to your child about our learning using these photos as a reminder...
Sharing time with Mrs H too.

Kobie has an amazing toy which talks and moves on a table.

Great work guys!

Last K.I.T book samples for Kayla and Alex from Ngaio class.

Tyler carefully holding one of our eggs - yes, this is real! It is from an Emu. Our inquiry learning is taking us down the route of eggs, development and life-cycles and the children are intrigued.

Sharing and discovering.

Great writing from Miecke who has completed her first goal card.

Haylie is also becoming a fab writer - 'bye girls, enjoy Room Two.

Working together to make sets.

New friendships are forming too.

We are proud of ourselves in Ngaio class, we help each other and communicate well.

Damon is in Year six and comes to read to us every day now, it's wonderful to know one day we will be able to read the books he can! Go, Damon!

Olympic discovery time, making medals.

Making olympic torches.

Sharing in the sandpit and building together.

Creative play.

Olympic rings...

It's just too much for some of us!

Taking a break is a good idea sometimes.

Te Ao Kori for Room 3, what great waiting and attention to begin our songs and games together.

Shared library time is fun.

Wow, Kaden with his Lexia certificate. You are working your brain really well, Kaden, every day on Core 5.

World Music with Nicky from Nelson Museum, she came to share instruments with us and we learned so much about labels, sounds, percussion and caring for instruments.

Sadly our time was short - we loved it!

About to march out to the beat of one of her instruments at the end of our super session. Thanks Nicky!

Welcome Noah!

Birchwood Kindy came to see us.

Karen the captain.

Rafe sharing his book.

Medals and special toys to show. We are learning to ask questions of each other using the words "Who?" "What?" "When?" "Why?" and "How?", giving a full sentence answer.

Wow Tahlia has filled her first sticker chart already!

We are showing five.. how many ways can you think of?

Painting ourselves and describing who we are, what we like to eat and what we like doing at home - do come and enjoy our posters and rad all about us, they are hanging up in Nagio classroom, looking great!

Our poem this week is "Sleep" - do you know it? The children should be able to recite it to you.

We all had a little snooze (well, not really!)

(But you must admit we are good actors...)

(Totally cute!)

Whiteboard writing, making up rhyming words using 'at' is fun and we can write them too!

Mrs H reading to all of us - we are enjoying working with our friends in Karaka class.

Riley is learning to read and loves animals.