Thursday 7 July 2016

Last week of our second term in Ngaio classroom.

Monday morning show and tell - doughnut sharing circle.

Animal warm ups for gymnastics - can you guess what we are today?

The obstacle course is awesome!

Hoop games - we were meant to be doing hula hoops but Eddy and Jayden invented a super game where you have to dive through the hoop!

Bunny hops.

Catching the quoits as they fall off our heads when we are balancing, Mrs Savill!

Hand print painting for our books which will come home at the start of next term (I forgot to give them out today - whoops!)

Maths games with our buddy class, Rm 10.

Welcome to school, Parker!

Welcome to school, Tahlia!

Kobe can count all her counters correctly to make groups up to and including 10 now.

Making shakers for our music sessions.

Parker working to write his name himself.

We chose to sing Jingle Bells!

Ka pari, Kayla, you can read six more of your Early Words!

We have Spacemen for our finger spaces in our writing books and the children totally loved using them this week.

Mrs Shepard reading to the classes before Discovery Time on Wednesday.

Boxes are fun!

Copying sight words onto the peacock.

Kobie is so proud of her work today.

Maddie was matching mosaic shapes and patterns so well.

Thursday show and tell time.

Tyler was on his first school visit.

Riley was visiting too and brought his cards to show.

Parker enjoyed learning about the dolls.

Rafe has filled his first sticker chart.

Whanau time, Matariki art making stars.

K.I.T books going home again for these super writers.

Almost a full class - only a couple children missing!

Writing numbers...

Special Friday certificate time...Kobie.








Have a super holiday and see you in a couple of weeks x

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