Thursday 28 July 2016

Our first week in Term 3 2016.

Show and tell on Monday - Sol had made a jet pack!

Caitlyn loved her first visit.

We began our unit on shape and went on a shape discovery walk, if you would like to see the book with all of us in , it is in our purple corner.

Last term, after our visit to Kindy, every child wrote a story about the trip and I made them into a book - here we are giving a copy to Elaine!

Great, we even got a wee play at Kindy after donating the book!

Jayden started school on Monday, welcome Jayden!

Riley started school the same day as Jayden! Welcome Riley!

Our beginner writers and their whiteboards...writing our names.

Making shape pictures - these are on show in our purple corner too.

Kayla working on Core 5.

Our letter this week i 'l' so we made lips on lolly stocks to take home and play with.

Parker was going to make a tiger with his shapes but decided a snake was a better option.

Oh my goodness, Jayden has filled sticker chart number 2.

Alex has completed chart number 3!

Making music in Discovery on Wednesday.

Box play in the sun.

Play dough is awesome.

Making concertina books to keep.

At the end of every discovery session the lead teacher calls the children back for a plenary and chat about the learning.

Sharing our play.

Te Ao Kori, learning to play the sticks.

Riley H had his first visit.

Tyler was on his second visit but this was his first opportunity to wear his school uniform.

Sharing on Thursday.

Mrs H teaching with the big book for this week - Lost'.

Music lesson on Thursday afternoon.

Kathryn from St.John's came and taught our children many important things about the services who can help us.

Would you believe she even bought a child sized jacket for our special helper of the day to wear?

Wow, Jayden and Miecke fitted into an adult sized jacket - what a team!

We all had a go putting our finger into he little device to test book pressure - it was great fun.

Sometimes we may need an oxygen mask - this is what it may look like (we heard to working too).

Not at all scary! The children were able to feel water vapour coming into the mask .

Problem solving maths on Friday following the Three Billy Goats Gruff story - the task was to make a bridge for the goats to safely cross the river....


This is Mrs Hawkswell, she is getting to know the children as some of them will be transitioning to Room 2 .

A goat to cross the river!

Buddy reading with Room 7.

Naleah is becoming an amazing writer - this certificate was to celebrate her progress with unaided writing.
Thank you for your time reading our blog, I hope you enjoyed finding out what your children were learning this week in case they do not tell you much!

Monday - remember your gum boots as we are going on a walk to Monaco for our science unit.
Show and tell as usual.
Tuesday - Mrs Savill is on a PB4L course as part of the PB4L team and Mrs Lawrence will be teaching in Room 1 with Mrs H.
Wednesday - remember your library book. We are also going to visit our friends at Birchwood Kindy.
Thursday - Welcome back to Mrs Lawrence who will be teaching again with Mr H. as Mrs Savill is on a Circle Time course. Remember your show and tell.
Friday - whole school assembly at 2.30 pm please join us.