Thursday 26 November 2015

Week seven in Room One, November 2015

Show and tell - Roman brought a camera, one which used to take film!

Tennis coaching began on Monday, it was great fun.

What amazing listeners we are in Room One!

Playing 'squash the bug'.

We have been painting our salt dough hedgehogs.

Aren't they gorgeous? Just varnishing to do next then they can come home!

Gosh, Cooper has completed his third sticker chart.

As part or our transition, we went to visit Birchwood Kindy and they sang to us.

Ozzy loves the swings.

Clinton is very happy.

Frankie is very brave.

Te Pakira borrowed an Elsa book.

Addison pretended to have another birthday. if you would like to see a full book of our Kindy visit, come to our purple corner, there is a page for every child in our class.

Noah filled his first sticker chart this week.

Our maths strand is capacity and we have been learning about full, empty, half full etc.

Roman has completed his first sticker chart as well.

Laura and Parker brought their red eared slider turtle for us to enjoy - he is called Jeff.

The class decided he is 'stretchy'!

We all made little books about rabbits as part of our animal topic.

Brodagreen house were super, they lent us a lovely lady for the day and she visited our classes and told the children all about Christmas in Victorian times. Everyone made a Christmas decoration on Friday and brought them home - do go and visit Broadgreen House if you can, they have lots on for children to enjoy!

Look at our decorations!

Dantae is on the Early Words course every day and has received his first certificate for learning six sight words so well.

Ella's first homework was excellent!

Addison has progressed so well in writing he has completed his first goal sheet.

Imogen has also shown great understanding of the writing progress and her goal sheet is also filled out!

On Friday afternoon we had time int he sandpit and Chelsea from the seniors joined us.

Clinton was a superstar at breakfast club with his great manners, he will be  a helper in the kitchen next Friday morning! Ka Pia Clinton!

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