Thursday 4 June 2015

How can this have been week seven already???

Dante started school this week.

Sign language is great fun!

Macey signing to Ms Todd who will be her new teacher next week when Room 2 opens!

We had another hockey session - in the hall this time, we played tunnel this week.

This is Ms Todd, we have been team teaching this week in the mornings and it has been wonderful.

This is how we play tunnel, we try to hit the big ball with our little hockey ball and it is all in the timing!

Finishing our 'marvellous meals' these are now laminated and up on display - do come and see them this week!

Go Lockie, a special award for kind hands.

Cross country certificates were given out in Junior Assembly.Well done everyone for your great efforts.

In Junior Assembly we shared our print making.

We have done potato prints as well as butterflies and a big display is on our board in the hall at school now.

Keira sharing on Thursday at 'show and tell'.

Eli brought his toy car to share. He started school last week but I missed him off the blog - sorry Eli!

What a lot of interesting things we brought to show!

Jahzel has completed her sticker chart now.

We had a wonderful experience on Thursday afternoon when Nicky the educator from Nelson museum shared many instruments with us.

Listening carefully.

Bradley selected a drum to play.

Welcome to Room One Rebecca.

Ava has filled her chart too!!

We took our books we have made all about ourselves home today (Friday) - treasure these!

NEXT WEEK Rom 2 opens and 12 students from Room One will be transitioned to Ms Todd. Thanks for sharing our week - lets more happened but no time to load more photos!

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