Thursday 25 June 2015

Week ten in Room One was a super one.

Making 10 in different ways.

One of our new books was this one - the children were intrigued by the title and we had a conversation about the title - 8 children thought it would be boring, Dantae thought it would be interesting - look what we found out! Now it is a firm favourite.

Isla has completed her first sticker chart.

Kindly came to collect Frankie.

We can order our numbers up to 10.

Making numbers out of play dough.

Addison came on his second school visit wearing his uniform.

We had out last hockey training today with Scott. Room two had their lesson with us, it was awesome fun!

This is Mrs T, or Mrs Trengove, she is relieving in Room Two whenever Ms Todd has a day away.

Listening carefully to instructions.

We played 'Rob the nest'.

Hunter taking his ball so very carefully into his own nest.

Isla is concentrating well too.

We enjoyed colouring our farms.

Matthew and Miah helping make the class blanket on Wednesday.

Here is my sewing machine, Matthew and Miah were helping take out the pins to make our blanket for our purple corner.

Learning with the i-pads.

Locke with our finished blanket - although lots of names are still to be added!

Mr Savill came to play two brass instruments for the Junior syndicate. This is his euphonium.

This is his trombone.

At gymnastics we had to get over a big box this week.

There was also a tube in the obstacle course.

We have been busy making our box games ready for next week!

Eli appreciating Matthew's game.

Joel received a certificate for his homework.


Monday - Show and tell.
Tuesday - remember you will be needing to bring a dollar tomorrow for games gala tickets (10 tickets for one dollar)
Wednesday - Game Gala day - parents are welcome, from 1130-1230 and 1.30pm to 3pm. We hope to be able to get to the library as well today so bring back your book!
Thursday - Show and tell as usual.
Friday - if you took home a Learning Journal please bring it back today. We go to the GYM today - 0930 to 1030 remember to bring your car seat. ALSO MUFTI today - multi coloured mufti, remember to bring a gold coin donation.

Star of the week, week ten.

Hunter is our star this week as he has such a great attitude to everything we do. He always tries his best, is polite, friendly and helpful to everyone and has the most infectious grin! Hunter has only been at school a short while yet he applies himself fully at all times and is not afraid to give anything new a go. Hunter is always welcoming to new children from Kindy and is a friendly little chap. Well done, Hunter.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Week nine in Room One was a busy one!

We made shakers for music and enjoyed filling them with pasta.

Eli having a sing!

Joel started school - welcome Joel!

Maia started school too, now I have two Maia's, with different spelling to their names though.

Working together on one of our games gala masterpieces.

We had a super visit from Juliette McIver, the author, on Monday. She is such fun!

This is her lovely toucan from the book Toucan can.

We enjoyed touching the frost and describing it.

Locke has finished another sticker chart!

The heating went off in our block so we went up to Room 10 to keep warm and do our work!

Cooper was so excited to come on his first school visit!

Hunter had a ukulele for his birthday and played it for us in Discovery Time.

Miah brought some little toys to show.

Amelia-Rose had been to McDonalds.

Elaine from Kindy brought four of her children who are transitioning to share time with us, they stayed an hour and wanted to stay all morning!!

We had more gymnastics - we are balancing carefully.

We began using our own plans to make games for the gala. Hunter was so busy preparing tickets!

Amelia-Rose has a plan for a car game.

Decorating our games.

Wow, Joel is a designer - look at his own marble run!

Room two were fascinated by the marble run too.

Buddy Reading with Room 7 - Amelia helping Joel.

Jack reading with Maia his cousin.

Jayden sharing his book with Hunter.

Locke has had an incredible week - he received a special certificate from Breakfast club celebrating his super manners.

Problem solving with Room Two in maths , making teddy parachutes!

Macy added a sling to hers - she is a designer with awesome ideas.