Thursday 12 June 2014

Week six in busy Room One!

Rocco acting 'teacher' and using the 'pointy stick' as we all sing 'ai'

This week has been a little different from others in that Mrs Savill had a day off sick on Monday and Tuesday was  a CRT (classroom release time) for her, meaning an opportunity to assess a number of the class ready for reports and learning journals. As a result there are fewer photos than usual so apologies for that but I hope you can enjoy reading about our week!

Ka Pai, Zach, a full sticker chart!

This looks like a week of eating actually - with j as one of our letters we made jelly!
Smelt it, looked at it, tasted and ate it then wrote about our senses and jelly - do come and visit our classroom to read our writing about jelly!

Amy has completed her first writing goal sheet already, using her sounds, finger spaces, full stop at the end of a sentence and she canals find the words she needs for her writing on her word card! Wow, go Amy!

Senior cross country was on Friday afternoon - we got to watch the girls racing!

Oops eating again - learning about 'half ' - what better way then through sharing a slice of bread equally with a friend?

Eating our jelly before writing.

Mmm, half a slice of bread! Two halves make a whole and both Rasharna and Rocco ate a whole slice eventually.

 Buddy reading on a Thursday is one of our weeks' highlights - here you can see the children sharing books with their older friends.

Dominic made this tubey man in Discovery he was holding a light for going into a cave.

Jaydyn made a little book during Discovery time and glued it in order all on his own!

Our mixed media project this week was our little boats - b is our letter this week. Today we attached them to the sea and the girls designed sea and sky - again do visit our room to see them sailing on the wall!

Keana made a beautiful book herself too.

Jaydyn sharing his model man.
 To begin our learning about half we all made a whole ball from play dough then cut it into equal halves .

Next week we have our cross country at 2pm on Monday afternoon children may wear sports clothes and running shoes as opposed to school uniform should you wish. Please come and support us!
have a great weekend .

1 comment:

  1. Dear Room 1
    I like the pictures they are so cool.

    With love from Amelia.
