Saturday 28 June 2014

Star of the week, week eight.

Well done, Zach, you are our star this week for your super learning to date. You have not been in Room One very long,yet already you are mastering your sight words quickly and are reading happily, loving your books. You are beginning to write sentences of your own, you try your best and are always the first friend for new children to our class. You looked great in your crocodile onesie too!

Thursday 19 June 2014

Week seven in term two.

Thea-Jane visited us.
Well, what a busy busy week we have had, with our Junior Cross country today (Friday), a visit from Stoke Montessori children, gymnastics in the hall, Kapa Haka, ERO in our classroom for the art lesson, a visit to Birchwood Kindy to see our friends and a total of nine new children on visits and one new student joining our class! I hope you enjoy our visual record again this week!

Arrayah had her first visit too.

Keana has moved up a reading level onto Yellows now!

Harrison came on his first school visit.

Alissa came for her second school visit and wore her new school uniform this week.

Mia recevied her writing certificate for fulfilling all the goals on her 'flower'.

A photos from the disco last Friday - Mia and her sister Ella!

Stoke Montessori visited and Chloe showed her new friends how to make a bracelet.

Visitors from Birchwood Kindy.These children will turn five this year too.

Zach copied the rabbit puzzle on his own  well done Zach!

Sharing time with our Montessori visitors.

Rocco made a person with mosaic tiles.

Keana at the disco.

Amy in her Ming-Ming costume.

Discovery Time co-operating whilst making K-Nex models.

During Discovery we wrote and posted letters - great fun!

Guess who? Wolverine of course (aka Rocco!)

Jackson started school now he has turned five.

Sharing on Monday, Dominic brought his baby toys,photo and cot bumper to show us.

Sophie shared some of her special books.

Our collage this week was centred around "Bright Stanley' - do come and visit our classroom and enjoy our under the sea scene when you are free!

Mason came on his first school visit too.

Gymnastics - balancing on the beam is great fun!

Learning to do forward rolls - look at Amy!

Am opportunity to use the C.O.W (computers on wheels) we are fortunate to have enough laptops for everyone to use one of their own!

Zach drew himself and his sister using Kid Pix.

Wow Timothy has completed his first set of writing goals.

Go, Dominic, you have too!

Well done girls moving up another reading level.

Well done boys you have all moved your reading levels too!
Monday - Mrs Savill will be working 1:1 with students to Mrs Lawrence will be teaching in Room One today.
Tuesday - Bring your gum boots (a letter went home today, Friday). we will be walking over the bridge to Monaco from school at about 11am and if any parents are able to accompany us that would be super. bring your gum boots too - we will return to school in time for lunch.
Wednesday - Please return your library book in order to be able to borrow another one. Mrs Savill is off to the Ernest Rutherford Retirement Home with the ukulele group after lunch so Mrs Ewers will be relieving in Room One for the first time, she is very excited about that.
Thursday - Sharing time, remember to bring something from home you would like to show your friend, children.
Friday - Multi coloured Mufti for Autism today. Gold coin donation. Room One are wearing onesies if they have one and are bringing their teddies and a pillow from home, we are having a snuggly morning! We are also responsible for the class time in assembly this afternoon and will be showing a slide show from our Unit 'How the earth changes'.

Star of the week, week seven.

Timothy is our star this week to reflect his lovely attitude to others. He is kind and helpful, generous and thoughtful and always happy to offer to help new students who come to our class. I am very impressed with your progress too Timothy, keep on smiling!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Week six in busy Room One!

Rocco acting 'teacher' and using the 'pointy stick' as we all sing 'ai'

This week has been a little different from others in that Mrs Savill had a day off sick on Monday and Tuesday was  a CRT (classroom release time) for her, meaning an opportunity to assess a number of the class ready for reports and learning journals. As a result there are fewer photos than usual so apologies for that but I hope you can enjoy reading about our week!

Ka Pai, Zach, a full sticker chart!

This looks like a week of eating actually - with j as one of our letters we made jelly!
Smelt it, looked at it, tasted and ate it then wrote about our senses and jelly - do come and visit our classroom to read our writing about jelly!

Amy has completed her first writing goal sheet already, using her sounds, finger spaces, full stop at the end of a sentence and she canals find the words she needs for her writing on her word card! Wow, go Amy!

Senior cross country was on Friday afternoon - we got to watch the girls racing!

Oops eating again - learning about 'half ' - what better way then through sharing a slice of bread equally with a friend?

Eating our jelly before writing.

Mmm, half a slice of bread! Two halves make a whole and both Rasharna and Rocco ate a whole slice eventually.

 Buddy reading on a Thursday is one of our weeks' highlights - here you can see the children sharing books with their older friends.

Dominic made this tubey man in Discovery he was holding a light for going into a cave.

Jaydyn made a little book during Discovery time and glued it in order all on his own!

Our mixed media project this week was our little boats - b is our letter this week. Today we attached them to the sea and the girls designed sea and sky - again do visit our room to see them sailing on the wall!

Keana made a beautiful book herself too.

Jaydyn sharing his model man.
 To begin our learning about half we all made a whole ball from play dough then cut it into equal halves .

Next week we have our cross country at 2pm on Monday afternoon children may wear sports clothes and running shoes as opposed to school uniform should you wish. Please come and support us!
have a great weekend .