Saturday 13 July 2013

Week 8, term 2.

Hello everyone, may I apologise for the late posting of this Blog! I had it all ready to upload then got sick and was advised by my Doctor not to do any school work... so the photos remained ready to go with no comments and it is only now that we are on holiday that I have found time to get them up for you to see...Sorry! Enjoy anyway!~
Corey started school this week on June 24th - a big welcome to you, Corey!

Chantelle had her first school visit and LOVES it!

Sharing time - Carey and Keira share Carey's lion.

Mia brought her lovely clown to share.

We are learning to form our letters correctly and a fun way to do this is to 'wrtie' on each ohtrs' backs  - it tickles!

Learning to balance on a beam - go Evelyn!

We love i-pad learning.

Cody is concentrating really well.

Vinny is concentrating too...

We all drew our Mums, very big, in pastel and recorded our speaking on the Activboard. We each explained why we love our Mums so much and Mrs Savill then printed this out - come to our classroom and see these posters hanging up - you can read our sentences too.

Certificates for great homework - well done everyone who received these little awards.

Ella is a fabulous artist.

Early rugby training.

Look at the books we made!

Rugby is super.

Ready to go home.

What an action photo!

Racing - girls versus boys - wonder who will win?

Coreys first day.

Chali, Evelyn and Stella sharing a literacy activity matching sounds.

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