Sunday 14 July 2013

The Pricipal's Challenge.

At the end of every term, we do not have a Star of the Week, but we have a Principal's Challenge award winner.
This term the Principal's Challenge was to be a physically active learner and I chose Vinny to receive this award as he is a very motivated learner. He is physically active at all times, sets realistic goals and works hard to achieve them. Great work Vinny, I love your gymnastic skills.

Weeks nine and ten...

I have amalgamated photos from weeks nine and ten as I was away from school for week nine and Mrs Lawrence kindly taught my lovely class. She took a few photos from week nine - the most important pictures - our new children on visits and I have included these in this Blog. Most of the photos are from the week just gone, week ten. I hope you enjoy them and will forgive the brevity of comments.
It is GREAT to be back on board and with my class now I am fully recovered.
We joined with Room Two for our introduction to Kelly Sport. All children took home a 'flier' about Kelly Sport, an independent optional sports activity after school, I think there are a total of 8 sessions next term which children can join once the fees are paid. Our taster session was great fun with Michelle and Nathan.

Ben started school on July 8th - welcome Ben!

Kelly sport in action.

Number writing - great work, Malachi!

Nathan and Michelle introducing the activities to our classes.

Mira had her first visit in week nine.

Lesley teaching Bible in School.

Bella had her first school visit in week nine too.

Stella started school on July 3rd - welcome Stella!

Cameron also had his first school visit in week nine.

Ben and Stella sharing on the mat.

Max' Nana came to talk with us about school in China.

Cody and Keira enjoying sharing.

Chali explaining about her sharing news to Keira.

Ella brought her hair to show - she asked for a new hairstyle and had her long hair all cut off!

Chali has completed her sticker bookmark.

Nathaneal came to school - here he is visiting in week ten.

Vinny has also completed his first sticker bookmark!

Kapa Haka with lovely Mrs Malthus.

Stella making a pattern in Maths.

Hadlee in the gym!

Number racing.

Chali can sequence her numbers up to 20 and can read some of her number names too.

Mia is learning to sequence numbers as well.

Cody making a dinosaur pattern.

Hadlee was exploring patterning too.

Mia loved matching up her animals.

Off to plant some trees at Monaco with Room Ten.

Playing in the sandpit with our friends in Room Two.

Learning how to plant trees.

H was our letter of the week in week 10 and we were drawing houses to show in assembly - they were fabulous!

Watch out for the worms, we do not want to squash them!

Lizzie and Paris helping Corey to select a spot to plant a tree.

Girl power!

Vinny's younger sister Sam was an excellent helper, I loved working with her - she is just three.

Vinny wore a tiki t-shirt and pounamu necklace on Friday for our cultural dress-up day.

Chali had a special pounamu necklace too.

Ellas represented France in a special top.

Mia brought a fan with kiwi on, a kiwiana pencil and a tiki badge.

Malachi shared his Scottish heritage- his Mum made his costume- well done, Mum!

Hadlee and Ellas helped Corey share his All Blacks flag with us all.

Our class won the 'We Care' award - we keep our classroom and cloakroom clean and tidy.

So, next week is a holiday and so is the week after - have a relaxing break, enjoy your children and I look forward to our return  on July 29th when we have a special visit from Stoke Fire Brigade!

Saturday 13 July 2013

Star of the week, week 8.

Chali was our star of the week - well done Chali!
Our award this week throughout Birchwood School was recognising a student who shows Kotahitanga everyday. I chose Chali for this as she is excellent when working with others. She happily works in a paired or group situation, respects others at all times and is very co-operative. Great work, Chali, keep it up! (I know you will )

Week 8, term 2.

Hello everyone, may I apologise for the late posting of this Blog! I had it all ready to upload then got sick and was advised by my Doctor not to do any school work... so the photos remained ready to go with no comments and it is only now that we are on holiday that I have found time to get them up for you to see...Sorry! Enjoy anyway!~
Corey started school this week on June 24th - a big welcome to you, Corey!

Chantelle had her first school visit and LOVES it!

Sharing time - Carey and Keira share Carey's lion.

Mia brought her lovely clown to share.

We are learning to form our letters correctly and a fun way to do this is to 'wrtie' on each ohtrs' backs  - it tickles!

Learning to balance on a beam - go Evelyn!

We love i-pad learning.

Cody is concentrating really well.

Vinny is concentrating too...

We all drew our Mums, very big, in pastel and recorded our speaking on the Activboard. We each explained why we love our Mums so much and Mrs Savill then printed this out - come to our classroom and see these posters hanging up - you can read our sentences too.

Certificates for great homework - well done everyone who received these little awards.

Ella is a fabulous artist.

Early rugby training.

Look at the books we made!

Rugby is super.

Ready to go home.

What an action photo!

Racing - girls versus boys - wonder who will win?

Coreys first day.

Chali, Evelyn and Stella sharing a literacy activity matching sounds.