Thursday 14 February 2013

First full week in 2013

Getting to know each other through Lego play...
Welcome to the first posting of our Room One Blog for 2013. The blogsite has been updated so if you are looking for Blogs from 2012 I am afraid they have all disappeared!!

We have started the year with thirteen children in our room, nine of them brand new to school and everyone is getting along really well and the class continues to be a very happy, positive space with so much learning and development every single day, the class are going home really tired (especially today - Thursday - after swimming) but loving all we do.

I hope you enjoy looking at the photos of our week, comments are welcomed!

Playdoh table and conversation.

Working as a pair and taking turns.

Sorting Maths.

Our very special class turtle, knitted by Mrs Savill .

Painting ourselves in school uniform to show we belong at Birchwood.

Taking turns to be Mrs Savill and explaining sorting and grouping.

Our class in the playground.

We LOVE the i-pads for learning!

Max painting with great care.

A visit from our Kindy friends on Wednesday.

Mrs Savills birthday!

Kindy visitors - all soon to be five and join us in our room!

Andy sharing his knowledge.

Shakana sorting out her dinosaurs by body shape.

Jayden and Jack working together.

Taking turns using the car game and a large die.

So, a little taste through pictures of part of our week. The Star of the week post will follow on the weekend.

The sound of the week will be c/k and we will bring homework for this sound home next weekend - homework this week is based around the sound of s.

Swimming will continue on Thursday and library day is Wednesday, as is buddy reading with Room 7.

Remember to book for Goal setting interviews online - school closes for lessons at 2pm on Monday. Please come to your meeting time with your child as our conferences are 'three-way'.

Thank you for all your efforts at home with your children and their reading, I am so impressed with their attitudes to learning and the progress in just a week!

Mrs Savill

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