Saturday 23 February 2013

Special certificates...

Leon returned this week :)
Wow! Three special certificates were awarded this week in Room One - we welcomed Leon back from Auckland on Friday.....

Louis started school on Monday....

and Evie was awarded the Lone Star award for being caught being kind and helpful in the playground. What super children we have here at Birchwood School.

Evie was delighted to received this award in assembly!

Star of the week, Week 3 in Room One

Jack is our Star of the Week!
Well done Jack, I have been very impressed by the progress you have shown already in our class. You are the best person ever for tidying up and I am so pleased you know where everything needs to go at the end of each session and pay great attention to detail, ensuring even little toys return to their original container. You are a great helper!

Week 3, February 18th - 22nd, 2013

 Here we are at the end of another wonderful week in our busy classroom, with a selection of pictures for you to enjoy, telling the story of some of our learning - it can be tricky to remember to take photos whilst we are in class so we did more!!

We are learning the sounds letters make and one of our sounds this week was 'c' as in cat and carrot, kitten and king. We sing along to the Jolly Jingles and here is Shakana with her castanets. Every child takes a turn and now c is one of our sounds, the singing time is totally interactive as we use our three sets of castanets and everyone gets a go!
Puzzle time....
Learning to play River, Bank- listening, thinking and using our sideways jumping skills!

We love to use our interactive whiteboard and here you can see Cade taking his turn with Lettergetter who loves E.

Discovery time with puppets.

Jack and lettergetter trying to catch e - its harder than you think!

Andy and friends in the sandpit.

We are learning about Peer Mediation as a school and the children are thoroughly enjoying role play and exploring how to explain their feelings and read the feelings of others by looking at their body language. Here Sophia is trying to decide how best to speak with Evie who is cross.

Maths - Statistics. We are making sets, learning to ask and answer questions  and explaining our decision making processes. Can you tell which criteria the children are using?

Less sets, we have altered our criteria.

Kobe singing c,k.

Swimming at Nayland pool - developing water confidence.

Moving on from making sets we have been learning to represent information using pictographs and here Mrs Eades is teaching the children to represent the different hair colour of children in our class.
They did so well!

Monday - Welcome back! Our letter this week is R.Sharing time this morning on the mat so if you have something special from home to share, please bring it today. Mrs Savill is meeting with some parents this afternoon so Mrs Eades will be teaching in Room One for the afternoon when we have the i-pads and will be exploring drawing techniques too.
Tuesday - This afternoon we have the C.O.W (computers on wheels) and the children will be learning how to use KidPix to try to make little individual posters of animals they like - we are exploring what makes us who we are and things we like are part of that individuality.
Wednesday - Remember to bring your library book today and a library book bag is very important to keep your chosen book clean and in great condition for others to use after you have returned it. All books are issued for one week and can be returned anytime during the week after you have taken it out.
Buddy reading with Room 7 after lunch:)
Mrs Lawrence is teaching today, Mrs Savill will be making appointments to meet with parents this afternoon and is on C.R.T this morning.
Thursday - Remember your swimming togs, today is our last swimming session until term 3 when we go to the Aquatics Centre in Richmond our lessons.
Sharing time this morning.
Friday - Whole school assembly this afternoon at 2.30 pm all are welcome to come and join us.

Thank you for reading our Blog, remember to check out our Star of the Week and special certificate awards.
Mrs Savill
Thursday -

Our first Star of the week for 2013

Congratulations, Kobe, on becoming the first Star of the week this year!
You are a super chap to teach, you listen well, always try your best, have been helping new children settle into our class happily and I am very proud of your attitude to everything. Keep it up and keep that super smile!

Thursday 14 February 2013

First full week in 2013

Getting to know each other through Lego play...
Welcome to the first posting of our Room One Blog for 2013. The blogsite has been updated so if you are looking for Blogs from 2012 I am afraid they have all disappeared!!

We have started the year with thirteen children in our room, nine of them brand new to school and everyone is getting along really well and the class continues to be a very happy, positive space with so much learning and development every single day, the class are going home really tired (especially today - Thursday - after swimming) but loving all we do.

I hope you enjoy looking at the photos of our week, comments are welcomed!

Playdoh table and conversation.

Working as a pair and taking turns.

Sorting Maths.

Our very special class turtle, knitted by Mrs Savill .

Painting ourselves in school uniform to show we belong at Birchwood.

Taking turns to be Mrs Savill and explaining sorting and grouping.

Our class in the playground.

We LOVE the i-pads for learning!

Max painting with great care.

A visit from our Kindy friends on Wednesday.

Mrs Savills birthday!

Kindy visitors - all soon to be five and join us in our room!

Andy sharing his knowledge.

Shakana sorting out her dinosaurs by body shape.

Jayden and Jack working together.

Taking turns using the car game and a large die.

So, a little taste through pictures of part of our week. The Star of the week post will follow on the weekend.

The sound of the week will be c/k and we will bring homework for this sound home next weekend - homework this week is based around the sound of s.

Swimming will continue on Thursday and library day is Wednesday, as is buddy reading with Room 7.

Remember to book for Goal setting interviews online - school closes for lessons at 2pm on Monday. Please come to your meeting time with your child as our conferences are 'three-way'.

Thank you for all your efforts at home with your children and their reading, I am so impressed with their attitudes to learning and the progress in just a week!

Mrs Savill