Thursday 31 July 2014

Star of the week!

Our Star this week is Amy. Amy was totally delighted to receive her award and she really deserves it as she always does her very best. She is learning fast, helping others, always really polite and thoughtful. She has a super imagination and great use of oral language and as you can see her friends were really pleased for her too.
Well Done Amy!!

Week two, term three, 2014.

We are learning about mass and deciding which animals are heavy and which are light.
Sharing time - lots to talk about!
Ready to dance with 'Stepping Out'.
Chloe and Alissa enjoying Chloe's animals.
music bingo - Thea-Jane is teaching Mason and Spencer whilst Harrison checks their ideas.
We ordered ourselves from lightest to heaviest.
Great concentration in the hall ready to move in Hip Hop style.
Mirrors (I am trying you upload a Photopeach slide show to go with this - watch the Blog for that!).
Alissa loved trying out Hamish's racing car with a remote controller.
Jaydyn playing claves.
Spencer and a single tone wood block (percussion is our focus in Music this term).
Max made a heavy bag and Mason made up a light one.
Alisssa loves music too.
Comparing weight.
During Discovery time we added to our class blanket and every child wrote their name on a piece of fluffy fabric in vivid - next week I will sew it together.
Sharing e-learning on the mat.
Our letter this week is 'A' we made apple finger dancers.
K-Nex during Discovery - lots of great sharing today.
Hand prints for our books "All About Me!".

We are so fortunate to have Zach Rampton in our class - his Dad, Tony , competed in the Commonwealth Games in 2006 and won a silver medal with the NZ basketball team. he spoke at assembly this week and showed some of his special shirts. he also competed in the Olympic Games in Athens and told us all stories about the life in the 'Games Village' where food is free!
This is Tony Rampton.

Mason and Spencer made a jetpack!
Jackson made a creature of his own design too.
Arrayah designed BeyBlades and shared them out with the other children - they are brilliant and spin really well on the table top.
Different designs worked well too!
Chloe and Rasharna enjoyed colouring in at Discovery Time.
Max made a 'Skylander' called "Rickrick" and gave one to Thea-Jane to play with.
On Wednesday it was our turn to share in Junior Assembly. Here we are rehearsing for this event. We showed different pages from the books we are busy making - they should be completed next week I hope!

Remember your swimming togs every day as we start our fortnight at the ASB aquatics centre….

Thursday 24 July 2014

 Welcome to our Blog in Room One. I take many photos each week during class time to try and give you an idea of our learning so it is a pictorial record of what we are doing each day - I hope you enjoy seeing all the fun we have and maybe you can spot your special people...
Amy during show and tell .

Alecia came on two short visits this week and wore her uniform on Friday!

Our letter this week is S and we made snakes - they are hanging in our room if you'd like to come and see them!

Spencer can cut with care.

So can Thea-Jane.

This is 'cuddly' - we were talking on Friday about the fact that I (Mrs Savill) was once unable to read or write - the children were amazed! Hamish asked me who my first teacher was and I explained her name was Mrs Dazely and she allowed me to bring my toy to school. This is it, 'Cuddly', who is now 47 years old...

King showed his car on Thursday.

Cuddly is very loved - photo by Zach.

I-pads are a great learning tool, this photo shows the children enjoying using them on Monday afternoon.

We have lots of new children this week and so went to the hall to practice for Firdays assembly when they will come out to the front to receive a certificate fromMr Herrick.

Part of our 'get to know the school' walk included a wee play on the Junior Playground.

The-Jane is new to school, she is five now!

Welcome to Arrayah who was also five in the holidays.

We were spotted by the Kindy!

Jack and Leo Renton will start school in two weeks time!

Gaye brought some more new children to see us, some of these lovely faces will join us soon - Mia, Kylde, Georgia and Jack. They came to collect Harrison before he turned five.

Now Harrison is five he and Mason can play on our equipment at morning teatime.

Mason is five now!

Harrison turned five this week and is loving school too.

Some of the boys made up this puzzle all on their own and took a photo to upload.

Hearty Fun dance fitness kept us moving when it was a chilly morning.

Maximus is five as well!

Hey Chloe, you are on fire with your writing young lady!

Hamish can write his name without help.

Alissa is five too, she is learning how to form her s's.

Singing in class, some of my older children teaching the newer ones our Taniwha song.

During discovery time we played with the massive train set.

If you want to see more photos check out the foyer in our block.

Hamish on Day One.

Alissa on Day One for her too.

So, that's the news from Room One. Lots of new faces, all happy and learning. Sharing, playing, helping and participating well. Everyone will be ready for a rest this weekend.
Next week remember Monday and Thursday are sharing (Show and Tell) days and Wednesday is Library Day.
Thursday is a shorter day due to goal setting meetings.
See you soon!
Mrs S.