Tuesday 25 February 2014

Star of the week

Our star of the week in week three was Kaden for his enthusiasm in class. Kaden, you are always ready with something to say or share, you have great ideas and want to do your very best all the time. You  are a lovely kind boy with many friends and love school. Keep up that super attitude!

Thursday 20 February 2014

Week three in our lovely class!

This has been a great week of sharing and learning together. Please view this Blog with your little one and ask them to tell you what we were doing…
Sorry this is so brief, I have family commitments and cannot write more love Mrs Savill! 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Star of the week.

Our star of the week is Keana!

Well done, Keana, earning our fist award this year - you were doubly lucky as I was chosen to select a number from Mr Butterworth's cards and got Room One! Enjoy your $10 voucher with your family.
You were chosen for your great attitude to learning, your concentration, listening and caring.

Week two already!

Art - we are learning to use our pencils to draw and are them whisper, speak and SHOUT! Ask your child to explain or come in and see our display in the purple corner.
We have had a wonderful week in Room One and I hope these photos give you, as parents, an idea of some of our learning...

Discovery with Room 3 - sharing compliments.

Sharing time in Room One using the 'talking stick'. 

Zara explaining how we show whisper, speak and SHOUT using pencil pressure and shading.
Isla learning how to bat the ball.
Mrs Little sharing new books with us.
Riley joined our class on Wednesday, welcome to you, Riley, you happy chap!
Thursday sharing we had so many wonderful things to talk about!

William came to visit this week.
Swimming is on a Thursday - we were getting ready to get into the pool!

Ooh! The water is chilly!


Learning to sort into groups.
We were fortunate to have a very quick visit from my 'children' on Thursday. Kimberley and Patrick are my daughter and son it was grey they could come and say 'hello' before going off to University in order that the children in Room One know I have 'children' of my own!


On Friday in assembly the Lone Star winner (for showing kindness and friendship) was Sam - her name came out of the pot for the whole school.
Room One on Monday..

Timothy was also one of our visitors.
Dominic came on his school visits this week too.

Monday - Three new children start on our classroom. Remember to bring something for show and tell.
Tuesday - Bring your smile.
Wednesday - Library day - bring your book back and you can choose another today! Sophie is on a visit. Discovery is today.
Thursday - William is visiting us again. Swimming this afternoon. Show and tell this morning.
Friday - Assembly at 2.30, BBQ tonight - so sorry I will not be there!

Have a super weekend!