Saturday 6 April 2013

Star of the week, week 9.

Our Star of the Week this week was Max for super effort and learning. Max has done so well with his reading and writing in our classroom that I needed to recognise this with an award. He is becoming a really good helper in class and is always full of life and enthusiasm. Keep it up, Max!

Easter week in Room One (week 9).

We had a short week at school as two days were Easter holidays but we still managed to pack in a lot of learning - hope you have fun looking at our Blog and enjoying the photos record .

Natureland visit : What do you do when you work in a zoo?
Rooms One and Three went together to Natureland on Friday and spent the morning there learning about being a zoo keeper, how to look after the many species of animals and having 'hands-on' experiences normally reserved for children on a 'keeper day'. 
Joel, being a monkey!

Finding out about meerkats and what they need to know to survive in the wild.

Thanks to lots of families for helping with our transport.

Mia, just 'monkeying' around.

'Micicles' in the freezer - ask your child what these were and how did they feel to the touch?

Yes, its true, I love blue tongued skinks and spent most of the morning with this one half zipped up inside my jacket.

Cade experiences touching the blue-tongue with Miss Driver .

Sophia and Shylah examining the stuffed polecat - an introduced species which is a danger to NZ wildlife. 
Sophia matching lower and upper case letters.
Making up three letter words about feelings with matching pictures

This week we welcomed new faces on visits..



Oops! This got in the wrong place - Louis meets the kune kune piglets.

On Wednesday it poured with rain so we have helpers from Room 11 in our class at break - here you can see India playing a word recognition game with some of Room One and our flash cards.

Sharing time on Thursdays is always fantastic.
 MAKING MUSIC - we are making up beat and rhythm patterns of our own for our friends to copy - se how much fun we have?
Mia, Ava and Shakana with their claves.

Shylah and Carey o the two-tone wood blocks, having a ball.

Max and Louis making music with their castanets.

Evie and Ruby shake their maracas to a rhythm of their own making.

We welcomed Carey and Ruby officially to our class in whole school assembly this week and look forward to welcoming Evelyn and Kaylee next week. Having said 'good-bye' to Kobe, Jayden, Cade, Sofie and Leon who moved up to Room 3 it has given us space to welcome new faes. The following week we will be having Xavier, Talei and Hadlee also in Room One.

Monday - The Kindy children who will soon be five join us for story time on the mat, then we explore the Life Educatioon bus for the first of our two sessions this week. We will be painting our favourite animal or experience from Natureland ready to show in Whole School Assembly on Friday!
Tuesday - Mrs Eades will begin teaching us until the end of term (it is likely there will be no Blog entry until the holidays).
Wednesday - Second Life Education bus visit for Room One and Library this morning - please remember your book bags and to bring your book back in order to exchange it for a new one!
Thursday - Wheels days are Thursdays, please feel free to bring a scooter to school today and it can be ridden on the back court at lunch break - no scootering on the walkways though. Buddy reading with Room 7.
Friday - Whole School Assembly at 2.30pm and we will be showing our paintings so do come and join us if you are free!

Monday 1 April 2013

Week Eight in Room One.

Welcome to the Blog for Room One. We have had a great week leading up to Easter with our Safe Walking programme running every day, lots of visitors to our class, two new children and a 'good-bye' at the end of the week to five of our students who have moved class and will be with Miss Driver when we come back to school after the short easter Break.
I hope you enjoy reading about our week and looking at the photo record.Please leave a comment if you have time, it is appreciated so much.

Welcome to Carey! Carey started school on Wednesday and is such a happy boy to be with his friends he remembers from Kindergarten.
 Welcome to Ruby! Ruby joins us in Room One from Australia! She knows about koalas and kangaroos... we do not know how long she will be with us but are enjoying her company and making her feel at home in our classroom.

Safe Walking with Constable McKitrick.
We began our safe walking lessons with awareness around cars. We were looking out for signs they may be moving, going to reverse or turn, what to look and listen for and where to stand if we thought a car was going to be on the move.

We crossed the road as a big 'wave' at one point.

Renee came on a visit!
Tabloid sports were organised by the Year 6's with Mr Butterworth and what a fabulous event that was on Thursday morning - all the children joined mixed age teams and were able to participate in activities planned for them by the older children and rotating around the playing field. The weather was fine and a great time was had by all!
Thank you team!

Joel is helped on the balance beam

One of the many activities on offer...
Waiting for the Easter Bunny..
Every term the children in my class are encouraged to make a special book all about themselves, with photos, their own writing and drawing, a poem, a handprint, special things they like and so on and these are then laminated to go home forever. Here you can see the children enjoying their first books together!

Photo time - Pip from Pips Pix took individual and class photos for our class.

Looking good!
One of the things we look out for when walking - sneaky driveways!

What an amazing sight on a weekday morning - the children were very interested in this road hazard!

Sharing time - show and tell.

Constable McKitrick.

Xavier came on a visit and made me flowers - thank you Xavier!
Wow, well done to Kobe and Leon for completing their reading bookmarks to take home just in time for their move to Room Three.

Learning to walk away from the kerbside and making space for people passing.


Next week will be a short week as there is no school on Monday or Tuesday.
Wednesday - Library Day. Please remember to bring your book back from last week in order to take a new one out and to bring your book bag to put it in. If you do not have one of your own yet these can be purchased at the office. We have four visitors this morning, Kaylee, Hadlee, Ella and Vinny.
Thursday - Mrs Lawrence will be teaching in Room One.