Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas week in Room One

Riley came on his first school visit this week!
Well here we are at the end of the year, having celebrated our learning with "Forever Now" the junior and middle syndicate performance. I am putting this Blog together having said good-bye to twenty one of my twenty four pupils and I hope this photo journal of our week is fun to read...

Keana and Mum reading in our purple corner before school.

Max 'Santa' Mallory bought a wonderful surprise on Friday morning - thanks Sally for a stunning cake I can't wait to share it with my family!

Making Christmas angels.

Indie-Rose, Sophia's baby sister (three days old) came on her first school visit on Friday.

These are the children moving from Room One to Room Three in 2014.

Mrs Lawrence came to help us in the mornings this week and shared her singing Santa with us!

These children are moving on to Room Four in 2014.

I get to keep Keana, Liam and Kaden for the first term in 2014...

Making Christmas Tree decorations!

Santa came in a fire engine to see us on Wednesday!

Our Christmas trees are 3D and very glittery...

Thanks, New World Stoke for our treats - the whole school (and Kindy) had ice blocks!!

Off to Room seven for a treat - photos later...

Playing together after our ice blocks for a few minutes (otherwise hats would be on!).

This was our treat - Room 7 , our buddy class, laid on a party for us!

We are great at climbing.

Our buddies made a crown for every child!

What a wonderful party surprise - food, music and friends in Room seven.

Ryah can climb up high.

Food! Yummy!

Shared lunch with families on Wednesday afternoon.

Gracie and her buddy Kyle.

Liam chose his food and his buddy carried it for him.

Lydia loves it at school although she is only four. Great day for a visit!

Shared lunch.

My class photos. Lovely children, all of them.
Our part of the show was the 'Pohutukawa tree' song. Many many thanks to Daniellas Mum, Kiri who single handedly made all 24 headbands for us at home. I would truly be lost without her aid.Here we are having a sing on the mat before we headed out to the hall.

Amazing artwork, thank you Kiri!

This is us, dancing our circle dance together. Well done children!


Holidays! Have a great one and see you in 2014.

Mrs Savill

Sunday 15 December 2013

Week nine already!

Welcome Kaden who started school this week.
Welcome to our Blog from Mrs Savill (class teacher). This week we have been getting ready for our show - next week you can come and see it! We have spent most mornings on our performance so not so many photos this week for you but I hope you like these…...

Welcome Liam who has just moved into our area and turned five last week! .

Lexi has completed her sticker chart.

Gracie brought some of her Kindy friends to meet us.

We are great at concentrating at writing group with Mrs Lawrence..

One group with Janice...

….and another group with me!

Keana started school on Wednesday.
In order that the children have somewhere special to store their Christmas projects, everyone made a folder today - they are huge, big enough for art.

Keana can write her own name already :)

These lovely boys have been writing too!

Buddy reading with Room 7 - some of us in the purple corner which we love!

Kyle enjoyed reading our Santa letters with Connor on Thursday afternoon.

Nathaneal loved the opportunity to share our writing modelling book with his sister on the deck in the sun!

Dan and Jamie enjoying a book together too.

Monday - dress rehearsal for our show. No reading homework this week, only sight words will be coming home.
Tuesday - our show is ON at 11.30 a.m if you would like to come and see it!
Wednesday - showtime this afternoon at 2pm. Shared lunch today - please come and join us, bring a plate and we will be starting at 12.15. If you would rather not bring a plate and just eat your own lunch then that is fine too!
Thursday - Special leavers assembly at 11.30 today.
Friday - school finishes at lunchtime today - please collect your children at 12.30.

Have a lovely week!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Week eight in our classroom.

Hello everyone and a warm welcome to this last weeks' photo record - lots to enjoy this week, I hope you have a great time looking at the photos with your children - maybe they can tell you a little about the friends they can see on this Blog and recall the week we just shared.

Liam is already five and has just moved house so he will start with us next week in our class.
VISITORS: We have had lots of new children coming on their school visits this week as they turn five either very shortly or in the school holidays, so our class is busier than usual.

Tyesha on her first visit at morning tea time.

Here is Isla, another new visitor - well done for remembering to bring your hat to school Isla.

This is Rocco on his first visit too.

Keira is not a visitor! She has completed another sticker chart already!

This is Roman, he will be five in the holidays and had a lovely morning with us.

Do you already know Zara? She had her first visit as well this week - great to see such a happy face.

On Mondays we have our art session and also the i-pad boxes.
Here you can see Luca and Bella learning together.

Pattern making.

More visitors from Kindy  - we are all enjoying a chat.

Wednesday discovery time - K-Nex in Room Two - always a favourite, following instructions this week.

Learning how to make repeating patterns with two colours...

Leo is working with three colour repeats now...

Ryah is exploring our new Mini Rainbows reading resource - a talking pen! Edward loves it too.

Digging in Discovery Time.

Lexi using the reading pen too.

Sharing electronic devices.

Making Christmas cards in Discovery.

Adding actions to our performance song and dance.

Tine for a tea party!

Luca is a tree!

Ella and Talie joining in the tea party too.

Cody made a monster.

Nathan can colour in so beautifully!

Good heavens - Max is making an incredible burrow...

He even fits inside!

Jack is a tree too.

Fab stickers Connor!

Way to go, Ben!

Keira is a growing shoot!

Gracie came on her first visit.

Sam visited us as well.

Great growing Chantelle!

Dan is a tree!

Some of our favourite books.

Making Maths puzzles and learning to read our numbers to ten.

Nathan is teaching Lexi her teen numbers.

Cameron can order numbers easily now and knows the next number is ten.

Sharing time...

Leo shared his photos so well today!

Buddy reading with Room Seven is a joy on Thursdays.

Dan is learning to write his numbers - keep it up Dan you are doing really well!


Monday - please return your library books is possible, our library is now closed for the Summer and Mrs Little has to do a big stock take! Kaden and Liam start school and Mrs Corcoran will be helping out in our room this morning and taking the class this afternoon whilst I continue to train our Peer Mediators for next year.
Tuesday - we will continue to rehearse our show songs this morning so please come to school on time! I will be sending home a little newsletter this week outlining special events and dates for this term including clothing requirements for our show (nothing amazing, don't worry, Mums!)
Wednesday - Mrs Savill is 'touring' with the ukulele band today, going to a couple of Kindergartens and Retirements homes to entertain them with our singing and playing. Mrs Lawrence will be teaching in Room One and Discovery Time will be taking place as usual.
Thursday - remember Show and Tell, bring come thing special to share!
Friday - whole school assembly, special awards this week - the Principals challenge.
Thanks for reading the Blog please leave a comment, it makes my day! Mrs S.